[accordions tabs_bgcolor=”” tabs_textcolor=”” tabs_bordercolor=”#ededed” tabs_opacity=””] [accordion title=”What is the Mayor’s Fund for Los Angeles?“]The Mayor’s Fund for Los Angeles (MFLA) supports civic projects and programs that benefit all of Los Angeles. MFLA is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization. Here are just some of the ways we improve quality of life for Angelenos:
- Filling gaps left in civic programs and services. In 2015, MFLA partnered with the City’s law enforcement teams to expand LA’s Domestic Abuse Response Teams from 10 Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Divisions to all 21, covering all of Los Angeles.
- Jumpstarting innovative solutions to complex issues. Our Youth Employment Pilot uses technology to place young job seekers in promising roles.
- Targeting government’s challenges with new approaches. With MFLA support, a newly-created Operations Innovation Team developed the role of LA’s first Chief Procurement Officer.
- Providing a platform for impact-driven, cross-sector collaboration. We coordinated the successful expansion of LA’s award-winning Summer Night Lights program.
Since our start in 2014, we have sponsored or provided funding for more than 30 diverse civic programs that directly impact Angelenos. For more information on those programs, please visit https://www.mayorsfundla.org/programs/
[/accordion] [accordion title=”How do I donate to MFLA?“] MFLA accepts donations through our website, by check, or by wire transfer at https://www.mayorsfundla.org/donate-now/. For non-cash donations or for information on making legacy gifts, please contact us directly at https://www.mayorsfundla.org/contact/. If you would like to restrict your donation to a particular program, please let us know at the time of your donation. MFLA reserves the right to refuse any donation. [/accordion] [accordion title=”Why was MFLA created?“] Cities are at the heart of service delivery for their residents, providing everything from sanitation to law enforcement to economic development services. Around the world, in big cities like New York and London as well as smaller municipalities, partnerships between public, private, nonprofit, and philanthropic institutions are leading successful urban transformation, building bridges to coordinate and connect perspectives, expertise and resources.[/accordion] [accordion title=”How does MFLA select programs to support?“] MFLA supports civic programs that can benefit from collaboration between public, private, and philanthropic partners. With input from our City Hall partners, we seek time-limited, innovative, results-oriented programs that match private resources with public sector projects and yield transformative change. All MFLA programs are approved by our independent Board of Directors.[/accordion] [accordion title=”Is MFLA part of City government?“] No. MFLA is an independent, nonprofit, non-governmental organization. As a tax-exempt Section 501(c)(3) public charity, MFLA receives its support from multiple private sources and maintains a charitable focus across every aspect of its work. MFLA’s independent Board of Directors includes leaders from a variety of backgrounds including education, law, and finance. For more information on our Board of Directors, please visit https://www.mayorsfundla.org/about-us/board-of-directors/[/accordion][accordion title=”What is the Mayor’s role in MFLA?“] Like no other figure, the Mayor of Los Angeles’s goals and perspectives span all City departments and civic issues. The Mayor advises the MFLA Board on key programs, issues and opportunities, and may also facilitate partnerships. The expertise within City departments and the Mayor’s Office staff generates ideas and provides critical leadership for most MFLA programs. The Mayor does not sit on MFLA’s Board of Directors and has no legal authority to make decisions related to the Fund, although, per the Fund’s bylaws, the Mayor may recommend one member to the Fund’s Board of Directors.[/accordion][accordion title=”What percent of MFLA’s expenses are spent on programs?“]We’re proud to report that in 2016, we spent more than 90 percent of total expenses on programs. MFLA keeps its overhead costs low through efficient program management.[/accordion][accordion title=”How does MFLA keep its work transparent and independent?“]Across the organization, the Fund takes great care to maintain its independence. Conflict of Interest policies apply to MFLA’s Board of Directors and staff, as well as all related vendors and program leads. Identified conflicts are addressed on an individual basis with a disinterested party.
The Fund’s commitment to transparency applies to fundraising activity as well. Donors of $5,000 or greater are listed on the Fund’s website here. In addition, the Fund chooses to report all donations of $5,000 or more as “behested requests” to the City Ethics Commission, regardless of whether a City official made the behest, by filing copies of Form 803 in coordination with the Mayor’s Office.[/accordion][accordion title=”Will MFLA support my organization?“]MFLA only accepts grant proposals from organizations working in partnership with civic programs. No unsolicited requests can be accepted. For information about nonprofit sector resources, we recommend consulting the Center for Nonprofit Management in Los Angeles at www.cnmsocal.org.[/accordion][accordion title=”How can I get a copy of the MFLA’s IRS Form 990 or audited financial statements?“]You can find them on our website.[/accordion][/accordions]